LBA International Consultancy Limited - Features
Made under the Crime & Disorder Act 1998
The above legislation stipulates that an ASBO can be issued on any person corporate or otherwise whose behaviour is considered anti social, whether or not the behaviour is in itself criminal. The order covers behaviour that causes or is likely to cause harassment, alarm and distress to other people. Also included is anti social behaviour that puts people in fear of crime since this causes alarm or distress and applies to all those over 10 years of age.
LBA International Consultancy Limited works in partnership with local authorities to investigate anti social behaviour and provides evidence of behaviour likely to be construed as anti social. Accompanying the evidence is a reports and if requested witness statement and photographic evidence to enable the local authority to pursue an order
LBA International Consultancy Limited is also able to monitor specific environments to ensure that once an ASBO has been issued the recipient complies with the order.
Recently in London LBA International Consultancy Limited has worked in partnership with the one local authority investigating the FLY Postering of the Borough’s buildings, monuments and street lighting.
As many local authorities are working with stretched resources LBA International Consultancy Limited can offer its service to investigate potential anti social behaviour and provide the authority with all the available evidence and information to enable them to seek an order through the courts via the auspices of the internal legal section.
Using LBA International Consultancy Limited may also mean that the local authority might be able to seek the investigation costs from the court, as the company is an external expenditure in the application and investigation of the legislation.
Other uses for ASBOs
are numerous because the legislation was framed in the widest possible terms.
For further details please contact Stephen.Pearson@lbaconsultancy.com
LBA International Consultancy Limited have been actively involved in providing details and information to clarify statements made by an applicant when seeking employment, for clients in the UK, Europe including Ireland, Italy, the Middle East and North America.
Either directly or through associated companies this service has been and can be offered for applications throughout the UK, Europe including Bulgaria, Romania, The Middle East including Israel, Egypt, Kuwait, Jordan, Libya, Lebanon, Turkey and UAE, Africa and other countries such as Pakistan,India, South America, including Argentina, Brazil, columbia and Venezuela. (See Countries Covered Operationally – Service)
From our experience the following information can be verified:-
Criminal Record Checks
Often requested but more difficult to verify are criminal records. In the UK as with some other European countries the best approach is self certification where the candidate is requested to provide a certified Police/Court check; normally there is a small fee payable by the applicant. Alternatively a check can be carried out by a third party once the applicant has given written permission for the information to be divulged.
In some countries where criminal checks are allowed, this check may be restricted by the nature of the employment being sought, namely driving offences if the applicant has applied for a job as a driver, the check would not include the fact that the applicant may have been found guilty of theft or fraud.
As a result of some of the complexities surrounding criminal record checks, we do not automatically offer them. However, it they are requested best efforts will be used to see if they can be obtained. In some Middle East countries a request can be made to the police who will give verbal response as to any issues that may be on file. In these cases the information may only be used to seek clarification from the applicant as there is not normally any written confirmation.
To ensure that checks can be made each applicant should sign a release of information document which can be presented to the authorities, university or employer.
For further details please contact Laurence.brown@lbaconsultancy.com
Many of our clients have, over recent years, either suffered from their partners overproducing products without their knowledge, or been responsible, either directly or indirectly, for mis-shipping discounted products to the wrong country. Over the last four or so years LBA has worked with these clients tailoring bespoke supply chain security audits, which examine the ‘cradle to the grave’ issues surrounding the manufacture, distribution and sales of their products.
Irrespective of the commodity and the country of manufacture LBA will work along side your team to conduct a snap shot audit to establish any compliance issues with your partners.
Normally engaging auditors can be a costly and drawn out process, which can have no commercial benefits for those concerned and can lead to irritation of the business relationship that exists between you and your partner.
Our model is to conduct a focused audit over a two day period, which will give an immediate health check of the practises of all parties and highlight any abuse of the business relationship.
In addition, whilst on site and especially where manufacturing takes place, an audit of physical security can be conducted if this should be required.Work with us to ensure that you get the best solution to your audit requirements.
For further details please contact Laurence.brown@lbaconsultancy.com